Friday, April 1, 2016

Easter Haul - Freshwater Reef Aquarium

Spending my long weekend visiting Fish Farm again.  Here are some items/fishes I bought over the weekend and with it, I re-created an underwater reef.

Live Rocks
Very light and cheap live rocks from QH, the hair algae remains intact.  A coral has a dried clam in its midst too.  

Ruby Red Cichlid

Baby Dolphin cichlids? (Just guessing because it looks like a dolphin to me)

Mixed color cichlids (fell in love by its rainbowish color) my camera is not doing its colorful favour

Couple pieces of my favourite dark blue Johani

Re-arranging various rocks/dead corals for fresh water reef

Add-on external canisters 
Currently running the tank with Atman -DF1000: Flow rate 1500L/hr.
Add on Spare canister (Taiwan ADA brand sitting idle at home) - Flowrate 700L/hr

Easter Holiday project completed (Front & Side view)

Next assignment, a stroll in the park.