Sunday, December 2, 2012

Featherfin or Threadfin Rainbow fish

Today, bought a school of 6 featherfin Rainbow fish (Iriatherina Werneri) to add vibrancy into my nano tank. More information can be found here

The rainbow fish was recommended by this blogger during our visit to fish farm and I fell in love when the fish dsiplayed its rainbow fins like a proud peacock.  Here are photos taken from my tank which speak louder than words to describe its beauty.  The shop owner, who is a chinese, called this fish "little sparrow".

It was known that this threadfin fish has very thin throat, I bought baby plankton (near powdery form)
for feed and the fish happily swam around taking in the plankton.  On top of which, I also crushed my shrimp's food into very tiny size such that they enjoy whatever foods I threw in that fit into their tiny mouth.